這個月 — 使用折扣碼business20立即8折入手
系統 & 激活碼 | Pro | Server | Unlimited | Technician |
支援Windows Server | - | | | |
1個授權用於多部電腦 | 2部電腦 | 2部電腦 | 不限電腦數量 | 不限電腦數量 |
在一家公司內無限量使用 | - | - | | - |
為客戶提供付費服務(針對服務提供者) | - | - | - | |
主要功能 | ||||
修復RAID 5動態磁區 | - | | | |
調整大小/移動磁碟區 | | | | |
轉移OS | | | | |
MBR磁碟&複製磁區 | | | | |
GPT磁碟 & 複製磁區 | | | | |
MBR系統碟轉GPT | | | | |
GPT系統碟轉MBR | | | | |
動態磁碟轉基本磁碟 | | | | |
還原磁區 | | | | |
調整大小/移動動態磁碟 | | | | |
WinPE開機碟 | | | | |
在主要磁區和邏輯磁區之間轉換 | | | | |
更多功能 | ||||
合併磁區 | | | | |
擦除磁區 & 磁碟 | | | | |
擦除未分配空間 | | | | |
重建MBR | | | | |
命令行 | | | | |
Loads up in seconds. Identifies Hard Drives Correctly. Easy to figure what to do and how to do it. Works GREAT with Windows 7 - 64Bit. NO data loss When Windows is up or via the "dos" mode.
Have used the program a couple of times to reduce the C: system/ programs partition and increase the D: my data partition. The program works flawless every time again. Very simple to use, highly recommended.
Fred Huisman
We use it in the whole company, partition master help us greatly save the cost. Nice!!!
David Colber