How to Remove Echo/Reverb in Adobe Audition 2023 [4 Ways]

Use Adobe Audition to remove echo and reverb in your audio recordings. Here is a step-by-step guide to enhancing your audio clarity and professionalism.

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Dawn Tang

Updated on Sep 18, 2023

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Unwanted echoes and reverbs can significantly affect the audio quality and distract listeners from the core message. Echo is the delays and repeats in sounds, and reverb is the reflection of sound in an environment. It is essential toremove background noise from audioto improve its quality.

Adobe Audition offers a versatile toolkit to solve these issues effectively. This article explores four methods for Adobe Audition to remove echo and reverb to make your audio professional. Moreover, here is an introduction to a free yet powerfulAI audio enhancer自动提高quaio质量。如果你是using open-source platforms, don't worry;removing echo from audio in Audacitywill help you.

Methods Effectiveness 通过culty
DeReverb Effect Simplify reverb removal with limited fine-tuning control. 容易
Parametric Equalizer Precise frequency adjustment but requires advanced expertise. Moderate
Dynamics Processing Balances audio dynamics and can be complex for beginners. Moderate
Adobe Audition Echo Removal Plugins Expands functionality but requires in-app purchases. 容易

Remove Echo from Voice in Adobe Audition

Adobe Audition offers multiple effects to help users remove echo and reverb from audio. Here are the steps to achieve professional audio using the Adobe Audition effects and plugins.

1. Delete Echo/Reverb in Audition with DeReverb Effect

The DeReverb effect is a powerful audio processing tool to reduce unwanted echo and reverb from audio. DeReverb analyzes the audio signal to identify and mitigate extra components.

It allows users to adjust the frequency and test the effects to solvehow to fix distorted audio in Adobe Audition. It is a valuable tool for audio professionals, podcasters, and musicians to eliminate distracting noises. Here's how to use the DeReverb effect in Adobe Audition:

Step 1.Launch the Adobe Audition. Go to "File"> "Open" and select your audio file.

Step 2.Select the part of the audio containing the echo/reverb.

Step 3.Go to the "Effects." Search for "DeReverb."

Select Dereverb effect in Adobe Audition

Step 4.The DeReverb effect has options like "Amount," "Frequency Smoothing," "Time Smoothing," and "Attack Time."

set up Dereverb effect in Adobe Audition

Step 5.Adjust the "Amount" slider. It controls the intensity of the DeReverb effect.

Adjust the Amount slider

Step 6.Adjust the other effects and select "Apply" to apply the DeReverb effect.

Step 7.Go to "File"> "Save As" to export your file.

Watch the YouTube video guide if you prefer a visual way

2. Erase Echo/Reverb in Audition with Parametric Equalizer

A Parametric Equalizer is an audio processing tool that adjusts and manipulates specific frequency bands in an audio signal. While it doesn't directly remove echo, it can provide a solution tohow to remove background noise in Adobe Auditionproblem.

It is especially useful for improving audio to achieve professional and echo-free audio. Users can control the amplitude and width of the frequency bands to work on the frequency ranges with echo/reverb.

Here's how to use the Parametric Equalizer in Adobe Audition to remove echo and reverb:

Step 1.Launch Adobe Audition and open the audio file "File"> "Open"

Step 2.Go to the "Effects" option and click on "Parametric Equalizer".

Parametric Equalizer Effect Adobe Audition

Step 3.In the Parametric Equalizer effect settings, you'll see various frequency bands and sliders. Focus on the frequency bands where these sounds are most prominent. These artifacts will exist in the mid to high-frequency range.

Parametric Equalizer effect settings

Step 4.Adjust the gain of the selected frequency bands. Start by reducing the gain and experiment with different settings.

Adjust the gain of the selected frequency bands

Step 5.Adjust the "Q" parameter to set the frequency bandwidth you're targeting for echo and reverb reduction.

Adjust the Q parameter to set the frequency bandwidth

Step 6.Once satisfied with the result, click "Apply" to apply the Parametric Equalizer effect to your audio.

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3. Get Rid of Echo/Reverb in the Audition with Dynamics

Dynamics is an audio processing effect. It is primarily used for dynamic range control and audio level. While its primary function isn't toremove echo from a video, it can eliminate echo and reverb issues in audio recordings.

By adjusting parameters such as threshold, ratio, attack, release, and knee, the Dynamics effect allows users to compress such portions. While it is not a dedicated echo removal tool, Dynamics offers an easy approach to address these issues in post-production processes.

Here's how to use the Dynamics effect toremove echo from audio in Premiere Proor Adobe Audition:

Step 1.Open your file.Go to the "Effects" and select "Dynamics Processing."

Dynamics effect Adobe Audition

Step 3.Start by adjusting the "Threshold" parameter. It determines the level of compression. Lower the threshold to target the portions of the audio with echo and reverb.

adjusting the Threshold parameter

Step 4.Adjust the "Ratio" to control the intensity of compression. A higher ratio will compress the echo-containing parts of the audio.

Step 5.Adjust the "Attack" and "Release" settings to remove echo and reverb while preserving the natural sound of the audio.

Adjust the Attack and Release settings

Step 6.Apply the effect and save your cleaned audio file

4. Adobe Audition Echo Removal Plugins

Adobe Audition is a professional audio editing software offering a range of echo removal plugins to enhance your audio quality. These plugins provide specialized tools to reduce or eliminate unwanted echo and reverb from your recordings.

尽管音频处理回声r的内置工具eduction, these plugins offer additional features and customization. Some popular plugins of Adobe Audition are:

Sonimus SonEQ

SonEQ is a versatile EQ plugin that can be used for a variety of tasks, including echo removal. It has a variety of filters and bands that can be used to target specific frequencies and remove echoes.

This free Adobe Audition plugin offers a user-friendly interface, customizable EQ controls, and additional audio enhancements. However, thisMP3 voice removermay not be as effective as other echo removal plugins for removing heavy echo.

Step 1.Open Adobe Audition and go to "Effects"> "Audio Plugin Manager"

Add plugin Adobe Audition

Step 2:Click on "Add" > "扫描插件."


Step 3:Select "SonEQ" and a window will open.

Select sonEQ

Step 4.Click on the "Filter" button next to the frequency band that you want to reduce. Adjust the Filter Type and Frequency settings.

Step 5.Click on "OK." Repeat the steps for each of the frequency bands containing echo.

Klanghelm DC1A Compressor

DC1A is a compressor plugin. It can reduce the dynamic range of an audio signal. With its audio level reduction features, it can helpremove echo from audio. DC1A is available for free to download. It has a simple interface and effective compression capabilities. However, it may be hard to use for beginners and has fewer features than other plugins.

Voxengo SPAN

SPAN is a spectrum analyzer plugin. It is used to identify the frequencies of the audio components. It can remove echo, identifying the frequencies that are causing the echo.

SPAN is a free plugin that provides detailed spectrum analysis and can help in identifying problematic frequencies. SPAN may need other plugins to remove heavy echo.

Techivation T-De-Esser

T-De-Esser is a de-esser plugin that can reduce harsh sibilance in an audio signal. As sibilance is like echoes, you can use it for reducing echo, too. It is a paid plugin that costs $90.

T-De-Esser is very effective at reducing harsh sibilance. It is user-friendly and offers effective de-essing capabilities and customizable controls. T-De-Esser may not be a dedicated solution for echo and reverb.


TAL-Reverb-4混响插头in used to add reverberation to audio. TAL-Reverb-4 is a free plugin offering versatile reverb effects and customizable parameters. It may not directly remove echo but can be useful for reverb control.

Wipe off Echo from Audio Online Free

EaseUS Online Vocal Removeris an effective tool designed to help users make their audio professional. It removes echo, reverb, or other unwanted noises from the audio recordings. With its extensive file size and duration limits, it's an excellent choice toseparate vocals from background noise.

It offers multiple features to improve the audio clarity and quality:

  • Echo Removal:EaseUS Vocal Remover eliminates echo and reverb from your audio files, providing cleaner and more professional sound.
  • User-Friendly:It is an online tool and doesn't require downloads or installations. Users can access it directly through a web browser.
  • No File Limits:There is no number of audio files limit. EaseUS Vocal Remover allows users to upload files with a maximum size of 350MB. It can process audio files with a duration of up to 1 hour.
  • Multiple File Formats:EaseUS Online Vocal Remover supports various input and output formats. It gives you the flexibility to import your audio from any source and export results for any use. It has an upcoming feature that allows users to extract and split vocals and music from YouTube or SoundCloud URLs.

Are you looking for a solution tohow to remove vocals from a song?Check it out below.

Step 1.Click the "Select my file", and choose your song or audio file to be uploaded.

upload files

Step 2.By AI algorithm, all the vocals in the audio will be recognized automatically and then separated from the music in seconds.

AI algorithm

Step 3.Once vocals are extracted, audition the audio, and then download the extracted Karaoke, instrumental sound, or background music.

download files

Final Words

While editing audio, removing unwanted echo and reverb may seem challenging. These sounds can significantly impact the quality of audio recordings, adding distractions and diminishing clarity. With the multiple effects available in Adobe Audition, you can successfully reduce these unwanted sounds and enhance your audio quality. The article listed four methods to use Adobe Audition to remove echo and reverb from audios.

If you're looking for a better and more straightforward method, EaseUS Online Vocal Remover offers unique features. With its ease of use, multiple features, and large file support, it can make your audio professional.

Part 5. FAQs About Fix Echo in Adobe Audition

Adobe Audition offers multiple effects to remove echo from an audio. Here are some frequently asked questions on how to remove echo in Adobe Audition.

1. How do I get rid of a hollow sound in Adobe Audition?

To eliminate a hollow sound in Adobe Audition, follow these steps:

Step 1.Open your audio file in Adobe Audition.

Step 2. Select the part of the audio with the hollow sound.

Step 3. Apply equalization to adjust the frequencies, emphasizing mid-range frequencies and reducing excessive lows or highs.

Step 4. Experiment with different EQ settings to find the right balance and reduce the hollow effect.

2. Can echo be removed from a video?

You can remove echo from a video using audio editing software like EaseUS Online Vocal Remover. To do this, extract the audio from the video and import it into the tool. The single-click process will remove echo from your audio. Now, you can re-sync the audio with the video.

3. How do I edit echo in a video?

To edit echo in a video, follow these steps:

Step 1. Extract the audio from the video using video editing software.

Step 2.Import this audio into Adobe Audition or similar audio editing software.

Step 3. Use audio effects like DeReverb, Parametric Equalizer, or Dynamics Processing to reduce or remove the echo.

Step 4. After editing the audio, save it and re-sync it with the video using your video editing software.

4. What causes echo in a video?

  • Echo in a video can be caused by various factors, including:
  • Poor acoustic conditions in the recording environment, such as reflective surfaces or empty rooms.
  • Distance between the microphone and the sound source leads to delayed reflections.
  • Low-quality microphones or equipment.
  • Improper microphone placement or orientation.

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