Why Does My iPhone Alarm not Go Off | 6 Fixes

Are you wondering why my iPhone alarm does not go off? This article will explain why that happens and give you 6 known fixes for this issue.

sofia albert
Sofia Albertupdated on Mar 10, 2023 |Home>iOS & Mac Topics

Is the alarm not going off on your iPhone? Let's show you a few fixes for that.

One of the key features that stand out in an iPhone is the ringer and the sounds/tones that it can play. And among them, the loud yet calming alarm sound stands out. However, some people complain that their Alarm doesn't work. So why does my iPhone alarm not go off? Let's find out.

Some people think it's thevolume on iPhone not working, while others simply fix it by tweaking a few settings here and there. In this article, we're going to explore a few known fixes for this problem. On top of that, we're going to explore what causes it. So, let's keep going.

6 Fixes on Why Does My iPhone Alarm Not Go Off

There could be many reasons that your iPhone alarm does not go off. However, each problem has a solution, and we've compiled six of them for you. From a simple reboot to updating the clock app, here are the fixes you can try if your iPhone alarm does not go off:

1. Reboot the iPhone

Sometimes, the simplest fix is the best, and doing that can resolve your issue. If your iPhone has trouble with the Alarm, then hard-restarting your iPhone can fix this issue quite easily. So, how do you hard restart the iPhone? Here's how:

Step 1.Press and hold the Lower Volume button

Step 2.Press and hold the Power Button until Power Slider shows up

Step 3.Wait for 30 seconds for your iPhone to power off

Step 4.Press and hold the power button again until iPhone turns back on


Now, this may not work for you if you have an iPhone 8 or older. So, instead of doing this, all you'll have to do is press and hold the power button until the power slider comes on—then, the rest of the steps are the same.

Once your phone reboots, try setting the Alarm for 1-2 minutes from now. If it goes off, the problem is fixed. And if not, try the next solution.

2. Turn the Alarm Volume Up in Settings

如果你得到警报通知但在校园里ot hear anything, then it's likely that the issue is with the Alarm volume. This issue is very common among iPhone users, and it also requires a simple fix. So, here's what you're going to do:

Step 1.Head into iPhone Settings app

Step 2.Select the Sounds & Haptics option

Step 3.Use the volume slider under Ringer and Alerts and drag it

Step 4.Adjust the volume until it's suitable for you

Step 5.Go back and set the Alarm again


If your alarm is going off again according to the volume set you, then it's likely that your Alarm volume wasn't set properly by you. Nevertheless, the problem still won't go away for some people, so let's try the next fix.

3. Find or Use a Louder Alarm Tone

One of the most nagging and common issues to occur when an iPhone alarm does not work is a low-sounding alarm tone. Apple's iPhone library has many great ringtones and alarm tones. However, some users try their own music, songs, etc.

This means the iPhone alarm tone isn't as loud as they would like it to be. Therefore, they will have to pick a louder alarm tone. Here's how:

Step 1.Head into your Alarm settings

Step 2.Pick the Alarm you wish to use

Step 3.Tap on Edit Alarm

Step 4.Tap on the Sound option (It might be none if nothing is selected)

Step 5.Select the ringtone/alarm tone that you like

Step 6.Tap on the save option


This will help you set up a louder alarm tone, or you can pick a song/music from your library that you wish to wake up to. Make sure it's something loud that you can easily hear.

4. Ensure Proper Alarm Settings

Proper alarm settings are always something you need to check first. For instance, you need to know if you have set up your Alarm for every day or the day you wish to wake up at a specific time. So, let's say you want to wake up at 6 AM every working day, i.e., Monday-Friday, then here's what you'll do:

Step 1.Toggle the Alarm clock ON

Step 2.Tap on the Alarm to open the settings

Step 3.Head into Repeat if it's set to Never

Step 4.Set your Alarm from米onday to Friday (Or any day you wish for it to go off)

Step 5.Save the settings

Step 6.Go back to see if the Alarm is set for every weekday

Step 7.Check for the alarm icon in the notifications bar
alarm settings

这将从头设置报警和ensure that it goes off at the indicated time and day.

5. Disconnect Bluetooth Devices

The next step is to disconnect any Bluetooth devices which might be preventing your Alarm from sounding off in the iPhone speaker. This is a very straightforward procedure that requires you to turn the Bluetooth off or disconnect any unused devices. Here's how:

Step 1.Go into iPhone Settings

Step 2.Tap on the Bluetooth option

Step 3.Tap on the devices you wish to disconnect

Step 4.Tap onForget This Deviceto disconnect Bluetooth

Step 5.Disconnect every device that you do not use, one after the other

forget device

Once you have disconnected all the devices, try your Alarm again. If it works, then one of the Bluetooth devices was the culprit.

6. Update the iOS Version of Your iPhone

The next and final step is to update the iOS Version of your iPhone. If all else fails, it might be that your iOS is outdated and the Clock app needs a revamp too. Therefore, updating the entire iOS might be a good idea to fix this. Here's how to initiate an iPhone update manually:

Step 1.Open the Settings app on your iPhone

Step 2Head into General options

Step 3.Find the Software Update tab and tap on it

Step 4.Inside Software Update, tap on Download and Install

Step 5.Wait for the download and then installation

software download

This will update your iOS Version and fix the problem in the process.

Why Does My iPhone Alarm Not Go Off

If you're still wondering, "why does my iPhone alarm not go off?" then let's talk about a few possible reasons behind that. As mentioned in the fixes, this problem could be produced by a couple of main reasons, such as:

  • Your Bluetooth headset, speakers, or earbuds still being connected to your iPhone
  • Wrong settings in the iPhone clock app
  • Wrong alarm settings that make the alarm volume too low
  • A low-volume alarm tone
  • An outdating Clock application on your iPhone
  • Built up cache/junk on iPhone

That's why even a simple reboot can fix the issue, as it'll clear up the cache and other junk—allowing iPhone's clock application to work again. Other than that, the most probable reason behind this issue is a Bluetooth connection.

A lot of users leave their iPhones connected to their car speakers, headphones, earbuds, etc. So, instead of playing on phone speakers, the iPhone plays the alarm tone on these connected Bluetooth devices. Other than that, if your settings are out of order, then the Alarm will simply not go off.

That's why it's suggested that you try each of the solutions mentioned in this article one after the other. If it solves the issue, you know what caused your iPhone alarm to not go off.


These are some of the fixes for you if your iPhone alarm isn't working. Changing a few settings here and there might fix the issue, but it's suggested that you try each method one after the other so you can diagnose what caused it.

Therefore in future references, it'll be easier for you to deal with this issue—if it ever arises again. So, make sure you try each method from the bottom to the last one to see which one fixes it.

FAQs on Why Does My iPhone Alarm Not Go Off

Any further questions will be answered in this section:

1. Why doesn't the iPhone alarm play songs?

The Clock app on iPhone does play songs, but in order to do that, it needs to be downloaded on your iPhone. That's why, whether you're using Apple music or simply using MP3 to transfer through iTunes, make sure the file you wish to use as your Alarm is in your iPhone's storage—not the cloud.

2. Why doesn't the iPhone alarm go off after snoozing?

If your iPhone alarm is not going off after snoozing, then it's likely that you have turned it off in the settings. To fix that, make sure you have the Repeat option on in the Alarm you wish to hear again after snoozing it. Or, try deleting and recreating the Alarm.

3. Does the iPhone alarm go off in DND mode?

DND mode is only created to prevent calls, messages, and notifications from other apps. However, this setting in any iPhone does not hinder the Alarm. But, just to be sure, you can check if turning off DND mode helps your Alarm go off again.