Do Not Sell or Share Notice for United States Residents

Do Not Sell or Share Notice for United States Residents

If you are a United States resident, you may opt out of the “sharing” of your “personal information” for the purpose of cross contextual advertising as these terms are defined under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”). We do not sell customer personal information.

Company’s website or services collect certain pieces of information from our visitors, such as device identifiers, cookies, advertising IDs, hashed email addresses and usage activity. We and our partners may share this information with third parties to deliver ads for our products on our own and other web sites.

You can control the information that is shared by us by adjusting your cookie settings in your browser. Additionally, United States residents may turn on the Global Privacy Control (GPC) in participating browser systems to opt out of the “sharing” of your personal information in your browser. You will need to turn this on for each browser you use.


If you would like more information, please submit your question to[email protected].